Recently, many friends said that when measuring the thread steel, they encountered some minor problems, so I would like to ask what methods of measuring the diameter of the thread steel are.
Measuring Method of Thread Steel Diameter
The following methods of measuring the diameter of threaded steel are often used in the construction site.
1. The old standard used to calculate area by gravimetric method: area = length * weight / 7.85;
That is to say, the section area is obtained by dividing the weight of steel bars per unit length by the volume weight of steel 7.85, and then the "diameter" is calculated.
Area (s) = the square of PI (3.14) * radius (r)
Diameter = radius*2
2. Vernier calipers are also commonly used in the field to measure the diameter directly: one side of the caliper, one side of the caliper smooth surface, measuring three sections to calculate the average diameter, which can be reduced by 5%.
3. Measure the inner diameter (without ribs) directly with calipers, and compare the inner diameter of the steel bar in the hardware manual. According to GB1499.2, the inner diameter of reinforcing bar D1 should be measured, but the size of ribs can not be measured. If the nominal diameters are 12, 14, 16 and 18, their inner diameters D1 are 11.5, 13.4, 15.4 and 17.3, respectively, with an allowable deviation of <0.4. If the nominal diameter is 20, 22 and 25, D1 is 19.3, 21.3 and 24.2, respectively, and the allowable deviation is (+0.5).
The design principles of ribbed bar transverse ribs shall comply with the following provisions:
The angle beta between the transverse rib and the axis of the steel bar should not be less than 45 degrees. When the angle is less than 70 degrees, the direction of the steel bar relative to the transverse rib on both sides should be opposite.

The nominal spacing of transverse ribs shall not be greater than 0.7 times the nominal diameter of reinforcing bars.
The angle alpha between the side of the transverse rib and the surface of the reinforcing bar shall not be less than 45 degrees.
The total clearance (including longitudinal rib width) between the ends of the transverse ribs on the adjacent two sides of the reinforcing bar should not be greater than 20% of the nominal circumference of the reinforcing bar.
When the nominal diameter of reinforcing bar is less than 12 mm, the relative rib area should not be less than 0.055; when the nominal diameter is 14 mm and 16 mm, the relative rib area should not be less than 0.060; when the nominal diameter is greater than 16 mm, the relative rib area should not be less than 0.065.
关于螺纹钢直接测量方法,就是这样的了。 If you want to know more about steel, pay more attention to us: http://www.jzqgc.com/