1. 丝网板冷拔低碳钢丝基材的原材料可采用低碳钢热轧盘条或热轧光面钢筋。
1. The raw materials of Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon Steel wire base material for wire mesh plate can be hot-rolled low-carbon steel wire rod or hot-rolled smooth steel bar.
2. 冷拔低碳钢线材进厂、进厂时,应检查合格的整件产品和出厂检验报告,并按现行标准《低碳钢热轧盘条》GB/T701
2. When Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon Steel wire rod enters or enters the factory, the qualified whole product and inspection report shall be inspected, and according to the current national standard "Low-carbon steel hot-rolled wire rod" GB/T701.
Or "Steel for Reinforced Concrete Part I: Hot Rolled Round Steel" GB1499.1 Sampling Samples and Mechanical Property Tests, the quality of which should meet the requirements of relevant standards. Material entering factory and site shall be distributed according to production unit.
Dimensions and specifications are stacked for use. When the relevant standards do not specify inspection batches and tensile strength, the following requirements should be met for acceptance at the factory or site.
(1) The weight of the inspection batch shall not exceed 60 tons.
(2) Tensile strength of mesh is not less than 370N/MM2
3. The raw material grades and diameters of cold drawn low carbon wire mesh can be determined according to the table below. During cold drawing, the shrinkage of each drawing should not exceed 25%.
4. 冷拔前应对母材进行除锈处理。拉丝时不应退火。基材如需对焊,应选用同一生产单元、同一应使用的基材。
4. Rust removal should be carried out before cold drawing. Wire drawing should not be annealed. If the base material needs butt welding, the same production unit and the same brand should be used as the base material.
5. 基材的外观质量不应影响拉丝过程。当母材焊接性能较差或发生脆性断裂时,应按有关标准进行特殊检查。
5. The appearance quality of the substrate should not affect the drawing process. When the weldability of base metal is poor or brittle fracture occurs, special inspection should be carried out according to relevant standards.

6. 每批检验中冷拔低碳钢丝的表面质量应进行目视检验。钢丝表面不得有裂纹、毛刺及影响机械性能的腐蚀、机械损伤。冷拔表面质量不合格的低碳钢丝,必须经过处理和检验后方可用于工程。
6. The surface quality of cold drawn low carbon steel wire in each batch of inspection shall be inspected visually. No cracks, burrs, corrosion and mechanical damage affecting mechanical properties shall be allowed on the surface of steel wire. Low carbon steel wire with unqualified surface quality must be treated and tested before it can be used in engineering.
7. 冷拔低碳钢丝按相同的生产单位、相同的原材料、相同的直径、不超过30t一次检验批次进行检验,并检查母材进货检验报告。每个检验批次的检验项目为表面质量、钢筋网直径偏差、拉伸试验(包内抗拉强度和伸长率测定)、反复弯曲试验。
7. Cold-drawn low carbon steel wire shall be inspected by the same production unit, the same raw materials, the same diameter, and no more than 30 tons of inspection batches at a time, and the inspection report on the stock of base metal shall be inspected. The inspection items of each inspection batch are surface quality, diameter deviation of reinforcing steel mesh, tensile test (in-package tensile strength and elongation determination), repeated bending test.
8. 每个检验批次应提取不少于5个板材进行直径偏差检验
8. No less than 5 sheets should be extracted from each inspection batch for diameter deviation inspection.
Through screen test, one point is drawn from each piece of steel wire to measure the diameter of steel wire. The diameter of steel wire measured at this time is the average value of two vertical directions. The allowable diameter deviation of cold drawn low carbon steel wire should conform to the following table. Non-conforming products are inspected in batches, and qualified sheets can be used in engineering. The accuracy of measuring traverse diameter is not less than 0.01 mm, and the average diameter is revised to 0.0.1 mm.