The scope of application of reinforced bar with E is not unfamiliar to the people in this field. When ordinary steel bar is used in frame and brace members with first, second and third aseismic grades, the ratio of the measured tensile strength to the measured yield strength should not be less than 1.25. The ratio of the measured yield strength to the standard yield strength should not be greater than 1.30, and the total elongation should not be less than 9% under the maximum tensile force. The grade of reinforcing bars that meet these three criteria is with E reinforcing bars, and other reinforcing bars are unlikely to meet this condition.
Specific understanding of the scope of application with E reinforcement. On the one hand, for buildings with seismic grade 1, 2 and 3, buildings with seismic grade 4 and non-seismic buildings do not need to use steel bars with E. 2. Frames, including frame columns and frame columns, frame beams and slab-column-seismic wall columns, excluding non-frame beams, floor slabs and frame beams coded KL in shear wall structures. Other structural types such as shear wall structure and brick-concrete structure do not need E reinforcement.
3. The longitudinal reinforcement, stirrups and other reinforcements of the above-mentioned frame members do not need E reinforcement.

Fourthly, the above three items meet the need of material with E reinforcement at the same time, only one or two of them do not need E reinforcement, such as four-level aseismic frame, two-level aseismic shear wall, stirrups in three-level aseismic frame columns and so on, all do not need E reinforcement. In addition, the skew braces of the extensional derivatives of buildings with aseismic grade 1, 2 and 3, staircase sections need E reinforcement.
It is stipulated that the standard use of E-reinforced bar is conditional. Not all aseismic buildings need E-reinforced bar. Above is the relevant information about the scope of application of E-reinforced bar collation, but also hope to help the industry, the latter will improve this knowledge, but also hope that industry people pay more attention to this website, give more corrections.