混凝土构造普通都有填充墙。填充墙要与剪力墙或柱拉结。拉结的做法,有的构造设计规则采用规范图:12G 614-1 砌体填充墙构造结构。有的规则采用与12G 614-1 相似的做法。
Concrete structures usually have filling walls. Filled walls should be tied with shear walls or columns. In the tie-up method, some structural design rules adopt the standard drawing: 12G 614-1 masonry filled wall structure. Some rules are similar to 12G 614-1.
These rules require pre-embedded tied steel bars in shear walls or columns:
In order to embedding the tie bars, drilling holes must be made on the formwork. It is impossible to drill many holes in the formwork for embedded reinforcement in site construction. For example, it is impossible to drill holes in large steel formwork. It is difficult to demould the small formwork by drilling the embedded steel bar, and the plywood at the embedded steel bar will be damaged completely. Others adopt the following methods:
但这种做法违背标准的规则。混凝土构造工程施工标准GB 506666-2011 5.3.3 条的规则:钢筋弯折应一次完成,不得重复弯折。
But this practice violates the standard rules. Rules of Standard GB 506666-2011 5.3.3 for Construction of Concrete Structural Engineering: Bending of reinforcing bars shall be completed at one time, and no repeated bending shall be allowed.

Practical construction is all planting reinforcement:
植入的钢筋和设计规则的相同:φ6 或φ6.5 的光圆钢筋。但这种做法,完整不契合后锚固技术规程和混凝土设计标准的规则:
The implanted steel bar has the same design rules as the smooth round steel bar of 6 or 6.5. However, this practice does not fully conform to the rules of Post-Anchorage technical regulations and concrete design standards:
一、JGJ 145-2013 “混凝土构造后锚固技术规程”
JGJ 145-2013 "Technical Specification for Post-Construction Anchorage of Concrete"
3.4.1 条规则:
Rule 3.4.1:
Hot-rolled ribbed bar or full-threaded screw shall be used for reinforcing bar planting, and no round bar or threadless screw at anchoring position shall be used.
3.4.2 条规则:
Rule 3.4.2:
用于植筋的热轧带肋钢筋宜采用HRB 400 级……
Hot rolled ribbed bars for planting bars should be HRB 400 grade.
JGJ 145-2013 条文阐明:
Provisions JGJ 145-2013 clarify:
3.4.1-3.4.3... In order to ensure the effect of reinforcing bar planting, it is necessary to understand the rules of reinforcing bar planting and not to use round reinforcing bar.
早在2005 年施行的JGJ 145-2004 “混凝土构造后锚固技术规程”的3.2.4 条就规则:
As early as 2005, JGJ 145-2004 "Technical Regulations for Post-Construction Anchorage of Concrete" has 3.2.4 rules:
“化学植筋的钢筋及螺杆,应采用HRB400 级和HRB335 级带肋钢
"The steel bar and screw with chemical planting bars shall be made of HRB400 grade and HRB335 grade ribbed steel.
筋及Q235 和Q345 钢螺杆……”
Reinforcement and Q235 and Q345 steel screw..."
The above contents are arranged and published by Jinan Reinforcement Wholesale Factory. More relevant information can be consulted by clicking on our official website: http://www.jzqgc.com./