How can a house that breaks up and falls down after an earthquake fall when it uses seismic reinforcement bars? Oh, it's a great earthquake? In fact, the tremendous earthquake is also on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is no good construction of reinforced concrete, Jerry work, can reduce, can reduce, can be less, such a house can withstand the earthquake that is strange.
For example, Sichuan is a high-frequency seismic zone in China. It is not enough for self-built houses to know what grades of steel bars are and which grades of anti-seismic steel bars are more suitable. The more and thicker the steel bars, the better. As far as rural self-built houses are concerned, the grade of reinforcement should be higher than HRB400, that is to say, the yield strength of reinforcement should be greater than 400 MPa.
要求房屋抗震烈度为7度,那一定要保证房屋建好后在7度地震以下主体不会被破坏。建房子用抗震钢筋,说白了就是在自然灾难面前多为你和家从争取更长的断裂时间,如果普通的钢筋,延伸性、抗震性都达不到抗震钢筋的标准,普通钢筋会直接断掉或是断裂时间很短,你和家人的人身机率会降到很低。目前三级抗震用钢筋是我国常用且用量大的建筑钢材,截止到2017年7月底,三级钢筋12-14mm现货市场为3810元/吨,规格18mm三级螺纹钢为3760元/吨,25mm的三级钢在3740元/吨,28-32mm HRB400E螺纹钢市场价为3770元/吨。

The seismic intensity of the building is required to be 7 degrees, which must ensure that the main body of the building will not be destroyed after the completion of the 7 degrees earthquake. Build a house with anti-seismic steel bars, in other words, in the face of natural disasters for you and your family to fight for a longer breaking time, if ordinary steel bars, extensibility, seismic resistance are not up to the standard of anti-seismic steel bars, ordinary steel bars will be directly broken or broken for a very short time, you and your family's personal safety probability will be reduced to very low. At present, the three-grade aseismic reinforcing steel bar is commonly used and used in our country. By the end of July 2017, the spot market price of the three-grade reinforcing steel bar 12-14mm is 3830 yuan/ton, the price of the standard 18mm three-grade screw steel is 3760 yuan/ton, the price of the 25 mm three-grade steel is 3740 yuan/ton, and the market price of the 28-32mm HRB400E screw steel is 3770 yuan/ton.
The above contents are wholesaled and published by Jinan reinforcing steel bar. More relevant information can be consulted by clicking on our official website: http://www.jzqgc.com./