1. 梁配筋平面图的底版采用结构平面布置图,建议除板厚标注、配筋加筋、构柱编号、次梁定位、节点编号以外,其他的图层线都应与平面布置图一致。
1. Structural layout is adopted for the bottom plate of beam reinforcement plan. It is suggested that the other layers should be consistent with the plan except plate thickness marking, reinforcement, column number, secondary beam location and node number.
2. 梁配筋放大原则:超静定次数越多,放大系数越小;超静定次数越少,放大系数越大。这样,悬挑梁和单跨梁、框支梁应适当放大,大跨度梁可适当放大。其它梁配筋可以少放大甚不放大。楼梯间的梯梁梯柱布置与平面输入可能有不符,楼梯边梁应考虑这些原因,适当放大。另,注意三跑四跑楼梯,荷载不要漏。
2. Beam reinforcement amplification principle: the more statically indeterminate times, the smaller the amplification coefficient; the less statically indeterminate times, the larger the amplification coefficient. In this way, cantilever beams, single-span beams and frame-supported beams should be enlarged appropriately, and large-span beams can be enlarged appropriately. The reinforcement of other beams can be enlarged less or not. Layout of staircase beams and ladder columns may be inconsistent with plane input, and staircase side beams should be enlarged appropriately considering these reasons. In addition, pay attention to three runs and four runs of stairs, load should not leak.
3. 梁配筋尽量配一排;配筋大可考虑配两排;尽量避免在简单的梁里出现三排钢筋-----因外排钢筋更有效。另可以定个这样的原则,梁高470以内不允许出现三排钢筋的配法。
3. Beam reinforcement should be arranged in one row as far as possible; two rows should be considered for large reinforcement; three rows of reinforcement should be avoided in simple beams as far as possible - - - because the outer rows of reinforcement are more effective. In addition, it can be established that three rows of steel bars are not allowed to appear within 470 girder height.
4. 拉通筋尽量可以用小的钢筋-----应用在住宅等小跨度梁里。多直径搭配直径差距不宜超过两级。如果在公建、商铺等跨度较大、荷载较大的梁中,尽量用大钢筋拉通,以减少根数,达到第3条的要求。
4. Pull-through bars can be used as small as possible in small span beams such as residential buildings. The diameter difference of multi-diameter collocation should not exceed two levels. If the girders with large span and large load, such as public buildings and shops, are pulled through with large steel bars as far as possible to reduce the number of roots and meet the requirements of Article 3.
5. When the fourth pull-through bar is small, some methods such as 2 16+2 20, 2 16+4 20 can be considered to meet the reinforcement requirement and the third requirement. If the width of the beam end support is 240, the support bar of 16 or less should be used as far as possible to meet the requirement of 0.4LaE of the anchored straight section.
6. 局部薄弱部位和屋面可考虑3根面筋拉通,或者局部加强。
6. Three gluten pull-through or local reinforcement can be considered for local weak parts and roofs.
7. 梁底筋有条件的尽量用3根,比如原来配2ф16,可考虑配成3ф14。小梁可配成2ф14。框架梁建议梁底不少于3ф14。
7. Use three beams as far as possible when conditions permit. For example, the original 2 16 can be considered as 3 14. Trabeculae can be matched with 2 14. It is suggested that the bottom of the frame beam should not be less than 3 14.
8. 顺梁方向支座(墙、柱)宽度为240时,梁纵筋单排尽量不超过3根。支座宽度大于梁宽不受此限制。
8. When the width of the bearing (wall, column) along the beam direction is 240, the longitudinal reinforcement of the beam should not exceed 3 in a row. The bearing width is larger than the beam width.
9. Under the partition wall, the trabecular and simply supported secondary beams can be erected and supported with 2 12. When the actual reinforcement is reduced, attention should be paid to the amplitude adjustment of the beam and the changes of the torsional and flexural forces of the related shelved beams.
10. 注意双节点柱的计算,以及两个方向梁计算与配筋的变化,可考虑实际受弯情况和约束可能人为调整。
10. Attention should be paid to the calculation of double-node columns, the calculation of two directional beams and the change of reinforcement. The actual bending situation and restraint may be adjusted artificially.
11. 要注意:标准层的梁高,到上一层和下一层(特别是下面与商铺交接的部位)是否有必要和标准层一样,这样可以减少一些不必要的变截面和过小截面。
11. Attention should be paid to whether it is necessary for the girder height of the standard layer to reach the top and bottom layers (especially the junction between the lower and the shops) to be the same as that of the standard layer, so as to reduce unnecessary variable cross-section and too small cross-section.

12. Beam layout principle: Reasonable beam layout can increase the number of statically indeterminate structures, and beam layout is to control secondary beam series. Less 3-grade secondary beams, avoid 4-grade secondary beams. The layout of the front room, corridor and hall beam of the elevator room in the building should be considered for future decoration. Avoid direct door-to-door and beam layout that breaks an open space as far as possible.
13. 配筋时应注意同一跨梁内上下钢筋是否匹配、相同或类似部位梁钢筋是否一致(同层和不同层)、主梁和次梁钢筋是否协调。
13. When reinforcing, attention should be paid to the matching of the upper and lower reinforcing bars in the same span beam, the consistency of reinforcing bars in the same or similar parts of the beam (the same and different layers), and the coordination of reinforcing bars in the main beam and the secondary beam.
14. 梁宽350及以上采用4肢箍,上下钢筋应大于等于4。跨中部位面筋可用2根拉通筋+2ф12。
14. Beam width 350 and above should be 4 limbs hoop, upper and lower reinforcement should be greater than or equal to 4. The gluten in the mid-span position can be made up of two pull-through bars + 2 12.
15. 附加箍筋和吊筋不可漏,注意:a.作为算跨数的依据;b.改梁箍筋是有可能会改变吊筋大小或有无;C.商铺、大跨次梁、共建、梁上立柱往往有吊筋。
15. Additional stirrups and suspension bars should not be omitted. Attention: a. As the basis for calculating span; B. Beam stirrups may change the size or absence of suspension bars; C. Shops, long-span beams, co-constructions and columns on beams often have suspension bars.
16. 注意框梁KL和连梁LL的区别(数据显黄为LL),箍筋构造不同。
16. Note the difference between frame beam KL and connecting beam LL (data show yellow as LL), stirrup construction is different.
17. Calculation and result judgment of arc beam and side Slab-Free beam. Pay attention to the torque reduction factor. The parameters are usually 0.4. Solutions: For these beams a. Modify reduction coefficient and beam stiffness amplification coefficient; B. Arc beam input multi-node.
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